If you’re going to do something, do it confidently.

What will improve after coaching?

Improved Self-Esteem

Developing confidence can lead to an increase in self-esteem, which can have a positive impact on overall mental and emotional well-being.

Better Communication

Confidence allows individuals to communicate effectively and assertively, leading to improved relationships and interactions with others.

Increased Productivity

Confidence can make an individual more productive, as they are less likely to second-guess themselves and more likely to take action towards achieving their goals.

Greater Resilience

Confidence can also make an individual more resilient to stress and adversity, as they are better equipped to cope with challenges and setbacks.

Better career opportunities

Confidence can help individuals to present themselves professionally, which can lead to better job opportunities and career advancements.

More enjoyable social interactions

Confidence can make social interactions more enjoyable, as individuals are more likely to initiate conversations, meet new people, and make lasting connections with others.

Help to take risks

Confidence allows individuals to take risks and try new things, which can lead to personal growth and development.

Better self-care

Confidence can help individuals to practice better self-care, as they are more likely to take care of their physical and mental health, and set boundaries with others.

  • 1:1 Coaching

    Taja's calling is to coach people who feel the need to maximize their potential and build their confidence. Her program is tailored to give you targeted and specific results.

  • Free eBook

    Click below to get a lifetime access to all of Taja’s eBooks! Topics ranging from confidence, public speaking, and even dating!


Get Coached.
Be Refreshed.


How will coaching help you?


    Reach your goals faster with fun and helpful regular sessions, to keep you focused and on track. We'll work hard to keep you motivated whenever you start to slip.


    Knowledge is no longer power - Action is Power! Once you’ve got all your new goal-achieving techniques, a coach will help you get into action faster than you could on your own.


    As your coach, I will help you shift your mentality towards the way you view yourself and your abilities. The life you envision STARTS with your mindset.


    Knowing (and believing) that you can do anything is the first step to making positive and lasting changes in your life. A Life Coach will help you do just that.


    There will always be bumps along the road to success (that's a given), but a Life Coach will support you through them all until you achieve your goals.


    Goals will be important when developing your confidence. A coach will not only help you create goals, but over time a coach helps you dominate your goals.

Confidence Coaching


  • I work with anyone of any background, ethnicity, etc. The only non-negotiable prerequisites to coach with me are a commitment to transformation, honesty with yourself, the ability to receive and implement necessary changes, and a willingness to trust your power. Coaching ISN’T about fixing “broken” people. In fact, most people who hire coaches are already very successful. Yet in their success, they realize they can be even more successful, if they just make a few adjustments in their lives, and focus on specific goals. A coach helps you to do exactly that.

  • First, I will do an intake form to access where you are, and what your goals are. Then your coaching request drives your individual sessions. A coaching request is a specific ask for an area of your life that you want to change. It could involve a work project, a relationship, a hobby, a financial goal – really anything.

    Working together, you and I establish a clear goal – a tangible, measurable result that will get you where you want to be. Then, together, we formulate strategies to help you achieve your stated goal.

  • Each 1:1 coaching client must apply to the program. Once your application is received and we’ll have a free 20-minute admissions interview. Once we determine we’re a great fit, we’ll get started, meet weekly, and transform your life!

  • Each session is normally 30 minutes. Periodically, we’ll plan ahead to do a particular coaching exercise that will go longer. There is no extra charge for the longer sessions.

  • A personalized action plan to meet your goals.

    One-on-one virtual sessions via Zoom each month.

    Custom life accountability chart based on your goals.

    Email, text, and voice-note support within 24 hours on weekdays.

    A renewed sense of purpose, direction, confidence, and worth.

    An accountability partner to ensure you meet your goals and maximize your potential.

Client Results


“I connected with Taja on Tiktok and I loved her content. I messaged her and found out that she does coaching...it's 100% changed the way I view myself and my capabilities. I feel unstoppable!!! I would recommend making the investment if you want to become the most confident version of yourself!”

— Chanel Emory

Atlanta, GA

“ I'm a woman business owner and I was really seeking more information on realistic, simple ways to build my confidence. I purchased Taja's confidence coaching and was very impressed. It was in-depth and very thorough.”

— Kim Lavell

Baltimore, MD

“Taja is so authentic and passionate about what she does, I was hesitant to purchase her coaching program, but her eBook was so great that I was ready to make the investment! Before starting her program I was really really insecure and lacked self-love. She helped me discover how to slowly and authentically gain confidence. I even got a raise at work from implementing some of her techniques!”

— Lucy Scott

Long Beach, CA


  • Founder

    It all begins with a purpose. I’ve found mine.


Meet Taja

Taja is an entrepreneur, investor, Youtuber, author, and actively involved in ministry.

When Taja isn’t building her business, she spends her time creating viral content on confidence for her combined following of over 7,000 people, leading in her church's ministry, and motivating women and men around the country. Her past includes being victorious through many struggles, and roadblocks.  Through her tenacity, grit, and Jesus, she’s become successful and an inspiration to tens of thousands.

She knows that insecurity is crippling and is dedicated to helping people discover their most confident selves. She is passionate about helping others realize their worth and value. She genuinely cares about people transforming their life!


Confidence is for you.

What specifically do I get with coaching?


A customized plan just for YOU.

  • Charisma on Demand

  • Public Speaking Strategies

  • Effective Communication Techniques

  • Proven Conflict Resolution Strategies

  • Negotiation Techniques

  • Daily Accountability Chart 

  • Phone/Text Support 

  • Clearly Defined Weekly Goals 

  • 100s of Free Resources

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